Chord Maps

Chord Maps

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Chord Maps - How to Choose Chord Progressions | LedgerNote | Online music les...
Jun 11, 2016 - Chord maps are the secret to the musical universe. Choosing chord progressions is a piece of cake by following the flow of this chart...


The easiest method is to find a song that has the feeling you like and to yank the chord progression from it. The problem with this is you end up sounding like everyone else, because even professional releases are doing this in order to produce a sense of familiarity.


Chord Maps – How to Choose Chord Progressions | LedgerNote

That looks scary at first. If you want to simplify it until you familiarize yourself with it, don’t worry about the green bubbles around the outside and just focus on the big blue ones. The only risk with only using the big blue boxes is all of your songs will start to sound like other existing songs and like each other after a while.


Chord Maps – How to Choose Chord Progressions | LedgerNote

Choose any chord and then follow the arrows in whatever direction you like until you land on the home chord.


Chord Maps – How to Choose Chord Progressions | LedgerNote

想定される手順としては、まずキーを決めてMusic Theory for Songwriters – Charts and Mapsのページ中段のChord Progression Mapsの中の対応するマップを開いて、適当に一発目のコードを鳴らして、辿るコースを決めるって感じでしょうか。




