Techivation “AI-Clarity”

ほぼ既定路線って感じですが、TechivationからサウンドのMuddiness, Boxiness, HarshnessをAI利用によって軽減するAI-Clarityがリリース。
Have you ever had someone call your mix “muddy” or “boxy”? Well, it doesn’t feel great, not that anyone has ever said that to me… Anyway, as you build a track, muddiness and boxiness can be quite a common issue. These words are very subjective, but it’s generally agreed that muddiness can be found around 200Hz and causes a murky, dull and indistinct sound in your mix, whereas boxiness can be described as imparting a hollow, confined or “boxy” quality to your sound, found in the 200-500Hz frequency range.
How to eliminate boxiness and muddiness in your mixes using M-Clarity • Techivation Blog
インターフェースはこのような感じ。製品紹介動画を見てもわかりますが、AI Loudenerもそうだったように自分の好みを反映させられる箇所はそんなに多くない。
Techivation “AI-Loudener”