Soundwide …? はて?

Soundwide って言葉が世界を駆け巡って、「すわ、業界大再編か!」と思ったらそうじゃないらしい。何かを始めようって感じのジョイントパーティで、NI、iZotope、PA、Brainworx以外にAlicia KeysやJacob Collierといった日本でも名のしれたアーティストが名を連ねています。母体はSound Stacksってとこ。

About Soundwide
Soundwide’s mission is to make music and audio creation a more joyful and inspiring experience for creators everywhere by helping them to find, and stay in, their creative flow. Stemming from the union of premier brands Native Instruments and iZotope, and including Plugin Alliance, Brainworx, and Sound Stacks, Soundwide’s collective vision is to inspire and empower creators to express themselves and reimagine the future of sound. Offering a world-class audio and music creation ecosystem, the brands under Soundwide have broad engineering capabilities across integrated software and hardware, AI and machine learning, cloud, and more. Currently they make up more than 600 staff, with offices across EMEA, NA and APAC regions, and a user base of over 10M.
we’ll define new ways of working that ensure Soundwide fosters an inclusive and welcoming community for all creators.
訳: Soundwideがすべてのクリエイターのための包括的で歓迎されるコミュニティを育むような、新しい仕事のやり方を定義していきます。
Soundwide — A World-Class Audio and Music Creation Ecosystem(アーカイブ)