Bandcamp 、年内は支援を継続

We started Bandcamp Fridays back in March to support artists impacted by the pandemic, and in the past few months the music community has come together in a huge way: in just four days, fans put more than $20 million directly into the pockets of artists and labels.
To continue supporting artists during the pandemic, we’ll keep holding Bandcamp Fridays on the first Friday of every month for the rest of 2020. The next one will be on August 7, 2020.
(概訳)パンデミックにより打撃を受けたアーティストをサポートするBandcamp Fridaysを3月に開始し、多額の資金が直接アーティストのもとに届きました。
Update on Bandcamp Fridays | Bandcamp Daily
パンデミック収まらぬ今、年内継続的に、各月最初の金曜日にBandcamp Fridaysを開催します。