Spitfire コンペのあれ
大騒動になってしまったSpitfireのWestworld Scoring Competition。
David Kudell氏の受賞に難癖をつけた多くの評論家に、御大Hans Zimmerが激怒というニュース。
He concluded by saying: “My whole life I’ve been afraid to take risks with my music. Avoiding putting my music out there for fear it’s not good enough. At 43 years old, I kick myself that I didn’t follow through with music when I was scoring a student film 25 years ago. Ironic then that I won this contest by what else: Taking a risk with a take on this scene that was different.
Spitfire Audio’s Westworld Scoring Competition descends into bitterness and acrimony as Hans Zimmer says of winner’s critics: “I wouldn’t want to work with a single one of you” | MusicRadar