と題する記事がProduction Expertに上がっており、次の5つが挙げられています。
- Auto Makeup Gain
- Mix Control
- Delta Option
- Sidechain
- Compressor Range
たしかにいずれも実装してくれるに越したことはない機能ばかり。Compressor Rangeは、WavesのC4やAbleton LiveのGlue Compressorに付属しているもので、たしかに便利。
コメ欄でサジェストされている、Bruce Swedienのコンプレッション感に関する記事が(有名なのかもしれないけど)その侃々諤々のコメ欄も含めて非常に面白かった。

Bruce Swedien's view on compression
Bruce Swedien's view on compression: i don't think it's any secret as to how Bruce Swedien feels about using compression: "Compression is for kids." "Compression is a crutch. " And finally, if that doesn't give you an idea about how he feels: "I hate compression." We're not talking about a newbie here - as we all know, the guy has recorded and mixed more professional (and incredibly successful) releases than we could ever even hope to acc...