Universal Audio 、山火事の影響受け募金開始

熱波に端を発し8月半ばから山林火災が相次ぐカリフォルニア州にて、 Universal Audio の40名に及ぶ社員が被災し、中には家や財産を消失した方もおられるようです。





米カリフォルニアの山火事 過去最悪規模に広がる 7人死亡 | NHKニュース(アーカイブ)
CZU Lightning Complex Fire Burn Zones Map & Fast Facts – CBS San Francisco
CZU Lightning Complex Fire Burn Zones Map & Fast Facts – CBS San Francisco

Nearly 40 members of the Universal Audio team, headquartered in Scotts Valley, CA, have been displaced by the devastating CZU and SCU Lightning Complex Fires.

Several members of our UA family have lost their homes and all of their belongings to these fires — and the loss for them and our greater UA family is hard to put into words.

We’ve established this GoFundMe to provide immediate relief to all UA employees affected by this tragic event. Any amount donated will be gratefully received and matched 100% by Universal Audio up to our goal. Funds will be distributed to affected employees within the next several weeks.

We remain strong, supportive, and hopeful for our friends and family — both within UA and in the larger community.

Thank you for your support and generosity during these challenging times.

Fundraiser for Ashley Carriveau by Universal Audio : Universal Audio Employee Fire Relief Fund

Universal Audioによれば、募金額と同額を会社が上乗せして被災者(従業員)に配布するとのこと。

Universal Audio sets up GoFundMe for workers displaced by California wildfires
Close to 40 Universal Audio workers stationed in Scotts Valley, California have been displaced by the ongoing wildfires in California.

Universal Audio Sets Up GoFundMe for Workers Affected By Ongoing California Fires