「日本のJPOPが欧米で流行らない理由―外国人が抱くJPOPの印象とは? | ネタ・おもしろ・エンタメ | 大学生活 | マイナビ 学生の窓口」(記事消失のためlivedoor NEWSより)という記事が上がってました。
これ、実はさかのぼって今年3月あたりの「Why do Asian pop stars have a hard time succeeding in the U.S. market? Is it mainly a language thing? ‹ Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion」という記事で、「アジアのポップスターはなぜアメリカ市場で云々」という問題提起なんで、「JPOPが欧米で流行らない理由」としちゃうのはやや歪曲を感じます。
3ヶ月経ってもコメント数とThumb Up数がそんなに多くないので、そんなに大きな注目を浴びたスレッドと思わないほうがよさそうなのですが、コメント中に出てくるアーティスト名や説明見てると、意外と詳しいなあという印象ですね。
A ton of it has to go with image. The fact is, “kawaii” does not play over anywhere near as well as Japanese think, except for the dedicated J-fans. The clothes, the posing, the fifteen pounds of hair product and makeup on men, just doesn’t play in the US market.
Some will compare the “idoru” to acts such as the One Direction, etc. But there are significant differences:
The groups in the Western market don’t “graduate” members, treating their members like interchangeable car parts. The groups tend to be more unique, and either keep themselves in smaller acts (4 being about normal) or actively strive to set themselves apart from the others. What they don’t do is look like every other group out there from the same management company (cough, cough, Johnny’s, ***48, cough, cough). The encouragement of developing as either a single artist or as a group with clearly defined roles is encouraged. When Beyonce split off from Destiny’s Child, it wasn’t the end of her career, it was the beginning. The most famous singers in the past 30 years have been primarily singles artists. There is no need for the bland, uniform group vehicle for them.
Why do Asian pop stars have a hard time succeeding in the U.S. market? Is it mainly a language thing? – Japan Today
I know of very little Japanese music artists that actually base in U.S. to really try to make it big. Most J-Artists or bands/groups just tour the U.S. in either small lives/livehouse or invited to play for a couple of concerts. Big or small music acts by big record/management labels or even indie bands have small fan base in USA which is why they tour the US. but none have really put in the effort or dedication to make it as an artist in the US music scene. That’s probably because the Japanese Music Market are so profitable that they don’t need to travel elsewhere.
Pop idol groups aside, there are plenty of indie bands or those lesser known artists signed to big management labels that tour Japan, Asia, Europe, North America and South America yearly. these artists barely break into the Oricon charts, but are popular in the indie scene, playing small live gigs from 200 to even 5000 audience at a time all across Japan. There the ones that actually tour Europe, North and South America more so than the big label groups. I’m not just talking about the Visual Kei bands.Now with K-pop or Chinese music artists, I’m not sure, they also probably played concerts or event geared towards their fans just like J-music artists does, but none really put in the effort as well, do they?
As for those who said that there is no talent in Japan, are dead wrong, just look past the idol groups and you see talented pop acts, J-rock bands, and Japanese musicians who make good music.
Being from the US, I’m tired of the crap I hear on radio and tv. there are a few talents here, but most are also crap and talentless. I enjoy exploring music from around, from Europe to Asia, I seen crap everywhere, too. But I also find some I enjoy.
I’m not a fan of AKB48 nor Johnny’s, but I do like some catchy songs and some goods one from SMAP and Arashi.I like L’arc~en~ciel, EXILE, GreeeeN, ZARD and SCANDAL, just to name a few.
Why do Asian pop stars have a hard time succeeding in the U.S. market? Is it mainly a language thing? – Japan Today