専門外なので、あくまで音楽関連のニュースとしてしか読めなかったのだけど、日本でもそこそこ知名度のある Guitar Center という巨大楽器店の、S&P(Standard & Poors)による格付けがCCC+からCCC-に格下げとなり、来年もう持たないのでは…と目されているっぽいです。

As The Washington Post pointed out in a June story about the industry, electric guitar sales have dropped off by half a million over the past decade as musical tastes, and with them the methods of making music, shift. When the Post reached out to Guitar Center for the story, a spokeswoman told the newspaper an executive would only speak on the condition that he wouldn’t “discuss financials or politics under any circumstances.” The Post turned down the interview opportunity. Other guitar store owners who spoke for the story told the Post their customers were getting older and they were facing online competition.
Guitar Center downgraded | Retail Dive

ちなみに僕がGuitar Centerってのを知ったのはわりと最近の話で、若手のドラマーのテクニックお披露目の場みたいなのがGuitar Centerで開催されている動画を何かで見て以降。
Bobby Owsinski氏のとこ(Guitar Center May Not Survive 2018 – Bobby Owsinski’s Music Production Blog)では「だから大型店舗としての持続は難しいって言ったのに」的な感じでこのニュースが語られています。