MIDIハーモニカ DM48 がワイヤレスに
MIDIハーモニカ DM48 ですが、やっとワイヤーフリーになったようです。Bluetooth MIDIとのことなのでレイテンシーが心配ですが、能力はソフトやパソコンに依存すると記されています。そりゃそうだ。
Lekholm Instruments
In contrast to an acoustic harmonica, one cannot use mouth geometry, hands, and classical bending/overblows to modulate the sound. MIDI breath data is however transmitted continuously, such that sound intensity can be modulated throughout the duration of a note. The DM48X responds and transmits MIDI data almost instantaneously, but total latency depends on what software and computer is being used.